I will come to you and solve any computer or Internet problems that you have. I set up new computers, printers, phone, iPads and all other tablets.
Each year I can provide customers' computers with a health check. This cleans the computer, makes sure that there are no obvious problems developing and installing the latest antivirus software (included in the price). It's a bit like an MOT for your PC.
Customers very often need a little help understanding things on the computer or their phone. I provide a tuition service where I will help and advise on any issue that you are struggling with. It could be anything from sending emails to photos on your phone. I'm here to help.
Very often customers need a hand when it comes to navigating Government sites to apply for Visas, Driving Licences, Blue Badges, Bus Passes etc. Just give me a call and I'll visit to help you through it.
When buying new equipment my customers sometimes want an independent expert with them to steer them through all the different types of laptops and tablets. I meet you at, typically Curry's and advise you on the best choice for your needs and budget. We avoid the "enthusiastic" sales person! This is a two hour job which includes buying the equipment and then going back to your home to set it all up for you and transferring data from the old computer.
Computers can become very slow over the years. This is usally down to the hard disk wearing out. To save the cost of having to buy a new computer the old hard drive can be replaced with a new solid state drive. This will significantly improve the speed of the computer and extend its life. The service includes picking up the computer, saving your data, the cost of buying and installing the disk, restoring your data and setting it back up in your home.
Unfortunatley I do not repair Apple Mac Computers.